
Huge encyclopedia of gemstones

Monday, March 21, 2011

Check Out Our Updated New Website

As I sit and write this, the rain has stopped at least temporarily.  It is supposed to be back with a good chance of more tonight and tomorrow.  It has been dark, gloomy and damp for a while now.  The bright spot in my day is writing to let you know about our new website look and feel.

AfricaGems is starting its 27th year in business and our 14th year on the Internet.  Wow, how we have grown and changed over the years.  I’ve had the good fortune to work with some super people who keep our website up to date and have done a wonderful job of re-designing our website to give it it’s fresh  bright new look.  I have also had the good fortune to have wonderful clients and friends.  Needless to say, without them there would be no need for a website.  Thinking about my clients is another bright spot in my otherwise dreary day.

Loose Natural Gemstones and Gold Gemstone Jewelry
If you haven’t visited recently, I hope you will soon, if for no other reason than to check out our new look.  We hope you will find the new easy to use, easier to navigate and that you will check out all the new things we have added.  We felt we needed to put together this new website because we have grown so much in selection we have to offer to you.  You let us know that you wanted more choices and we heard you.  Our selection now covers a broader range of set gemstones in addition to the loose natural color gemstones, diamonds and custom jewelry we have always offered over the years.

Wholesale Gems and Wholesale Gemstone Jewelry
We hope you like our new selections and our new website.  Just because we have updated our selection and our website don’t think that we have changed everything.  We haven’t lowered the quality of what we offer, changed our exceptional wholesale pricing and we haven’t changed our world class guarantee policy, our free shipping or our layaway plan.  There are some good things that just don’t need change.

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