
Huge encyclopedia of gemstones

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Top 5 Misconceptions About Lab Created Gemstones

Are you a gemstone snob? Do you hate cheap imitation gems? Does costume jewelry make you cringe? Are you disgusted by the thought of fake glass gems and artificial gemstone jewelry? If you answered yes to any of those questions you are a bona fide gemstone snob. It’s okay, this is a safe space, you can own up to it here and now. In fact, if you say it aloud you’ll feel better: “I am [INSERT NAME HERE] and I am a Gemstone Snob”.

Now, that we got that out of the way, let’s discuss lab created gemstones. Wait! Don’t navigate away as you roll your eyes in derision at the heretical thought of fake gemstones.  Lab created gemstones are real genuine gemstones! It’s true! And I bet there’s a lot more that you don’t know about Lab Created gems. Here are the top 5 myths about synthetic gemstones:

1.       Lab Created Gems Are Fake Gemstones: I mentioned it before but it bears repeating, Lab Created gems are absolutely, positively, 100% genuine gemstones! The term “created gem” legally means that the stone is identical physically, chemically and optically to a mined gem. Okay, I know what you’re thinking. How can I claim that these are genuine gemstones when they are called synthetic? It’s all semantics my friend. The official gemological definition of a synthetic gem requires that it is
identical in every way to the natural counterpart.

2.       Lab Created Gemstones Are Treated: No Way Jose! In fact, treating natural gems has become an increasingly popular trend, but Chatham Created gemstones are not heat treated, irradiated, or dyed. If you want to get philosophical, what is more” genuine” a treated mined gemstone or an untreated lab created gemstone?

3.       Lab Created Gemstones Are Super Expensive:  Wrong again! Let’s do a price comparison of Emeralds. A nice quality Emerald can cost upwards of $30,000 per carat! That’s a lot of dough.  A comparable Chatham Created Emerald would only cost $450 per carat! And while you might be able to find some low quality natural gems at the same prices of Chatham gems, all Chatham gems are of the highest quality. There is no such thing as a low quality Chatham gem since they do not release any poor stones. Anyway, if you value your money, there is no question that Lab Created gemstones are a smart financial move.

4.       Lab Created Gemstones Are Not as Beautiful: I wish I had a “wrong buzzer” right now to loudly make that annoying beep. This myth could not be more incorrect. In fact, because Chatham gemstones are created in a controlled laboratory environment, the color comes out more even and richer. In terms of color saturation and clarity, lab created gemstones are arguably more beautiful than their natural counterparts.

5.       Lab Created Gemstones Have No Inclusions: Some gemstone snobs love their natural gemstones, inclusions and all. They want a product of nature and embrace the imperfections that make their gemstone unique. They do not want a mass produced lab created gem without the inclusions of a natural gem. Well, let me inform you that Chatham Created gemstones do have inclusions, as they are a result of the crystal growth and this can occur in nature and in a lab setting. Some might say that they inclusions found in a Chatham gem enhance the stone and give it a more natural look.

So there you have it! Gemstone snob or not, there is no reason for anyone to turn their nose up at Lab Created Chatham Gemstones!

Check Out the Chatham Gemstones including some **NEW** Shapes at Africagems.

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