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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Mother's Day Gift Guide

When Mother's Day is around the corner, I am always reminded of the classic story of the little kid who presents his mother an itemized bill for chores he had completed. Instead of receiving the cash he was expecting, his mother hands him back her bill, listing all of the things she had done to selflessly care for him throughout his entire life, yet the total amount of the bill came out to $0. 

While sappy, this story has a point that really hits home around this time of year. Moms have one of the hardest "jobs" out there, yet there is no pay check at the end of the week for diapers changed, dinners made, boo boos kissed and bed time stories told. And, truth be told, I think that most Mom's take care of their families with complete love and devotion, without looking for recognition or compensation. But for one day every year, when Mother's day rolls around, we are reminded to take some time to thank and appreciate the amazing Mother who undoubtedly did more for you than you could ever do for her.

With that in mind, let's treat out mothers to a gift that she really wants. Forget about photo mugs and scented candles and bring on the BLING!!!
That's right! I'm talking about beautiful gemstones, 18k gold, diamond accents--the REAL DEAL. 
Check out AfricaGems NEW selection of fine gemstone jewelry and save 20% With the Coupon Code "momisbest".

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