
Huge encyclopedia of gemstones

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Vibrant Red & Orange Carnelian Gemstones

Carnelian is the modern spelling for the ancient gemstone known as cornelian.  It is a rich looking gemstone with a rich history.  Carnelian is a member of the chalcedony family, a family that includes chalcedony, agate, bloodstone, chrysoprase, jasper, onyx and other gemstones.  It is translucent gemstone whose color ranges from a deep blood red to bright neon orange.

History and Lore of Carnelian
Carnelian has been used as a birthstone in many ancient cultures from Arabian, Hebrew, Italian to Roman cultures.  It was a much sought after gem by ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Hittites and more.  It is the Zodiac birthstone for Virgo.  At one time, it was a gemstone reserved for the wealthy and noble class, some who were buried with their carnelians.

Since carnelian is hard enough to be carved and hot wax doesn’t adhere to it, ancient Romans and Greek carved images into the gemstone and used them as seals or set the carved gemstone into signet rings to be used as seals.   They have also been carved and used in the decorative arts since 1800BC and before.  Quite simply, carnelian has a very long and very rich history.

The list of metaphysical properties attributed to carnelian is long and varied.  It is said to be a power stone, a career stone and is said to be helpful in making choices and decisions.  It is said to be a gemstone for self-actualization, for focus and realization.  At one point in time it was believed to help those who needed courage to speak.  This is just a partial list.

And the list of health attributes assigned to carnelian is almost as long.  It is supposed to help with blood related issues, infections, cleanse the kidneys, relieve lower back pain, and help with blood pressure, asthma and allergies.  Again, this is just a partial list. carries beautiful oval and round calibrated carnelian in reddish orange to neon orange.  You too can wear what the ancient nobles wore, but at a very inexpensive price.  Take a look at the sample man’s ring - shown middle right, and the sample ring set with neon orange carnelian and Mexican Fire opal – what a combination of gemstones (see left).

For the month of September, carnelian is offered at a 25% discount off our regular prices.  Use the code september2010 at checkout.  Need help creating your own one of a kind carnelian piece of jewelry.  Just let us know and we can help.

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