
Huge encyclopedia of gemstones

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Test Your Knowledge on Alexandrite Gemstones – Take the Quiz!

1.       Alexandrites Were Named for:
a.       Alexander The Great
b.      Czar Alexander II
c.       Alexander of Constantinople
d.      Pope Alexander II

2   2.     Alexander Gemstones Were Discovered In:
a.       The Andes Mountains
b.      The Coast of Brazil
c.       The Ural Mountains
d.      The Blue Ridge Mountains

       3. The Mineral Variety of Alexandrite is:
a.       Chrysoberyl
b.      Beryl
c.       Corundum
d.      Quartz
      4.     Alexanderite Gemstones Are The Recognized Birthstone For the Month of:
a.       January
b.      July
c.       June
d.      August

     5.     Alexandrite Gemstones Can Be Found in a Cat’s Eye Variety
a.       True
b.      False

6.      Alexandrite Gemstones are _______ In Daylight and _________  in Incandescent Light.

a.       Brownish Red, Pinkish Purple
b.      Pinkish Purple, Brownish Red
c.       Purplish Red, Bluish Green
d.      Bluish Green, Purplish Red

7.    Which of The Following is Not a Source of Alexandrite Gemstones:
a.       Brazil
b.      East Africa
c.       Burma
d.      Sri Lanka

8.     What is The Scientific Term for Color Change In Gemstones?
a.       Pleochroism
b.      Photosynthesis
c.       Chatoyancy
d.      Mitochondria

9.     Which of The Following Gemstones is an Alexandrite?



10. Which Wedding Anniversary is Traditionally Commemorated With an Alexandrite Gift?
a.       1
b.      24
c.       55
d.      17

How did you do??
  1. B:  Czar Alexander II, who emancipated Russian serfs and was assassinated in 1881, is the namesake of this Gemstone.      
  2.  C: Alexandrite Gemstones were discovered in 1830 in The Russian Ural Mountains 
  3. A: Chrysoberyl
  4. C: June
  5. B:  When certain types of long, thin inclusions are oriented parallel to each other, they can create an additional phenomenon called chatoyancy, or the cat’s-eye effect, increasing the Alexandrite’s value.
  6. D: This gem provides dramatic proof of how much the light source affects color in gems.
  7. C: Burma
  8. A: According to Wikipedia: Pleochroism is an optical phenomenon in which a substance appears to be different colors when observed at different angles, especially with polarized light.
  9. A: B is an Amethyst, C is an Indicolite Tourmaline, and D is a Purple Sapphire
  10. D: 55

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