
Huge encyclopedia of gemstones

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Gems of Love

As we approach Valentine’s Day, let’s examine some gemstones through Cupid’s rose colored glasses. Many gemstones hold a rich history of meaning and symbolism, and some precious stones have strong associations with love and relationship. So in honor of this season of love we will pay homage to the gemstones of love.


The Ancient Greeks thought diamonds to be tears of the gods, while the Romans believed them to be splinters of star dust. Yet with all of their supposed heavenly origins, Diamonds have been associated with human love and commitment for centuries. In fact, the first recorded diamond engagement ring was given to Mary of Burgundy from the Archduke Maximillian of Austria in 1477. In modern times, the diamond symbolizes eternal love and everlasting commitment. The strength of the diamond, the hardest of all stones, represents the power and resilience of true love. And the sparkling brilliance of diamonds reflects the fiery passions and dizzying effects of love’s spell.

Emerald gemstones have a fascinating history and lore.  It has been used historically to sooth the eyes and comfort the wearer. It has also been though to hold powers to cure diseases and ward off evil spells. But, as it applies to love and relationships, wearing an Emerald was considered to be a mystical way of revealing the truth or falseness of a lover’s oath.  Are you questioning your partner’s commitment to you? Try wearing some Emerald jewelry to expose the truth!

While Pearls may not have legends and mystical properties tied to romance, they have been used to exemplify the strengths and power of women in famous Jewish proverb: “Who can find a woman of valor? Her value is far beyond pearls” (Proverbs 31:10). It’s interesting that pearls are the precious item used in this verse in comparison to a woman’s value. The Jewish scholars learn a very beautiful message about pearls from here. When an oyster finds a grain of sand or some irritating object inside of it, it continues to smooth and coat the object until over time the point of irritation becomes a pearl. So too, a wise woman in her relationship with herself and others will exercise patience and kindness in dealing with difficulties until she eventually transforms the hardship into something valuable and beautiful. When we contemplate this deep meaning, there is something very special about a woman wearing Pearl jewelry and internalizing the positive message of using feminine strengths to build herself and those around her.

With its soft pink romantic color, Rose Quartz obviously has some connection with love. In the ancient world, Rose Quartz was widely used in magic and healing, but most notably, it was known as the “love stone” as it was believed to help balance emotions and heal disappointments and anger. If you are in a lover’s tiff, a Rose Quartz jewelry gift may be just the Band-Aid you need!

How can we discuss gemstones of love without including Rubies on the list! Their bright red color is the epitome of passion and intense emotions. In the ancient world, Rubies were highly valued and were believed to possess the power of live. Medieval Europeans wore Ruby gemstone talismans to ensure success in love. Even today, Rubies are considered a romantic gift, with the bold red color expressing strong feelings of love and desire.

Sapphire gemstones, specifically Blue Sapphires, have long represented faithfulness and loyalty in love. Fittingly, Blue Sapphires have been a popular choice for engagement rings, especially since the famous Princess Diana engagement ring linked the history and lore of the romance of blue sapphire with modern times. Now that the popular Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, is wearing this beloved ring, you can be sure that Blue Sapphire rings will be in the forefront of gemstone jewelry fashion.

If you love gemstones and you love love, don’t miss out on AfricaGems amazing Valentine’s Day sale, where you save 20% site wide with the coupon “vday2014”. Offer ends 2/14/14.

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