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Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Do’s & Don’ts of Gift Giving in a New Relationship

Six No-Fail Rules for The Perfect Gift in a Young Romance

Girls love jewelry. There’s no two ways about it. Just give a girl a stunning piece of gemstone jewelry and she is transported back to her Pretty Pretty Princess days of plastic beads and baubles and is once again in the heady world of little girl ecstasy. As girls mature, plastic beads are replaced by genuine gemstones, and instead of flicking a plastic spinner and chancing upon a ring, the most precious pieces of jewelry are those gifted by special people in our lives. And while beautiful jewelery is always appreciated, we all know in our hearts that a meaningful gift outshines the externals hands down. So in the spirit of “it’s the thought that counts”, without discounting the need for a gorgeous gift, here are some meaningful jewelry gift tips for the budding relationship in your life.

You’ve just started dating and it’s your first holiday season together. This is going to be the first big gift you’re giving her and you want it to be special.  This gift presents an opportunity to express your feelings propel your relationship forward. In short, you don’t want to blow this one!  

 Here are some New Relationship “No No’s”

  1. Don’t Do Rings: The first piece of advice is to avoid rings. Rings carry heavy implications of commitment—think promise rings, engagement rings—and it’s best to stay away from rings at this stage of the game. Save the ring gifts for the big ones and it will be more special when that time comes.
  2. Don’t Do Hearts: This rule is a bit counter intuitive since hearts are the emblem of relationships. However, if you haven’t said the “L” word yet, heart jewelry might be way too intense and can send messages you aren’t ready to send. Trust me, girls read in to everything and you don’t want to send mixed signals.
  3. Don’t Spend The Big Bucks: Even if you have an unlimited income, it’s not a good idea to invest too heavily in this first gift. It could put pressure on her to reciprocate and she might feel uncomfortable accepting a very expensive piece of jewelry so early on.

The Do's

Okay, now that we’ve narrowed down the list considerably, let’s discuss some gifts that fit into our guidelines of being meaningful in the right way.
  1. Floral Jewelry: If you’re dating a girly girl, she will surely appreciate jewelry with a floral motif. The beautiful message is that you’re hoping that the young relationship will sprout and bloom into a beautiful flower. Flowers are romantic without being overwhelming, making them the perfect symbol for your first gift.

  2. Inside Jokes: Take the time to find a gift that means something to both of you. If you love playing scrabble, this scrabble tile initial pendant is a great way to tell her that you’ve enjoyed the time spent together. Are you into puzzles? Do you share a passion for sailing? Any gift that speaks to your shared interests is a great idea.

  3. Her Favorite Color: If you happen to know her favorite color, use this information to your advantage. A piece of jewelry in her favorite color will show that you’re listening and care enough to remember the little things. Obviously she will love the gift since she loves the color, but she will also be totally impressed with your thoughtfulness.

With these six simple rules, you are now ready to start shopping for the perfect gift for the new lady in your life! Go get ‘em tiger!

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