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Monday, August 1, 2011

Have a Peridot Birthday! - Daily Coupons on Peridot Birthstones for the Month of August

Have An August Birthday?  Peridot is the Birthstone for August!
For kids, birthdays come with a whirlwind of exciting activities: parties, presents, balloons and streamers. Oftentimes, the highlight of the birthday experience is the school celebration. Typically, as these things go, the birthday kid will bring in some sort of treat for the whole class and everyone takes time out of the usual boring school day to sing 'Happy Birthday' and chow down on sugary delights. The birthday kid wears a special birthday crown crafted out of construction paper and heaped with glitter. Everyone wants to sit next to her that day because on her birthday, she is the most popular kid in the class, everyone is vying for her attention and showering her with admiration. It's a taste of royalty; she is queen for the day.

25% Off Any Loose Peridot Gemstone or Peridot Jewelry
Celebrating your birthday in school is just exquisite....except if your birthday is in the summer. For those kids born in June, July or August, you partake in other kids’ school birthday extravaganzas with a twinge of bitterness and jealousy, knowing that when your birthday arrives everyone will be far off on a family vacation or sleep-away camp without so much as sending a card. Sure your mom makes a cake and you open presents, but there's nothing like sponsoring a half hour of free time and nosh for your class and then being idolized for it for the entire day.

In light of the reality that many times those August babies just get their summer birthdays go unnoticed, we plan to launch an entire month of August birthday celebration to add extra birthday cheer this month. Make sure to keep a close watch on our Facebook page because we will be offering constant coupons on Peridot Gemstone Jewelry and loose Peridot Gemstones.

While August babies may not have the advantage when it comes to school parties, having Peridot as a birthstone is pretty awesome. Peridot gems have a lovely, tangy chartreuse green color that is flattering and eye-catching. With its vivid greens and gold flashes of light, Peridot is one of the most wearable and fashionable gemstones. So, if your birthday is in August or (more importantly) if you are married to someone whose birthday is in August, keep an eye on our Facebook page for daily coupons on gorgeous Peridot jewelry and loose Peridot gems.

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